Short term medical insurance provides medical care costs for a short period of time. The benefit of purchasing this coverage is affordability, promptly covered after 2 days of application submission, and having coverage to fall back to when sick or injured. However, this plan excludes services in treating pre-existing health conditions. Additionally, it does not cover all medications, and it will not pay for all costs, unlike major medical health insurance does. The coverage option period is between 3, 6, or 12 months. Then it can be renewed after that. There are 7 days free look before you can use for your sickness but it does not apply to your injury.
Who should consider these types of plan? Someone who does not purchase major health insurance during the open enrollment and like to have a temporary coverage to bridge that gap before the new coverage of the open enrollment starts. Individuals who lose their job, the COBRA plan that is offered through their former employer is too expensive. They cannot afford the COBRA plan; they are healthy and have no pre-existing health condition. They can save some money to purchase this type of plan while they are waiting for the new coverage to start.
Financial Bloc Inc offers free, comparative quotes on Short Term Medical Insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate.
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